Thank you for submitting your official comment!
Now, take the next step to help protect the rights of all Catholics.
The Biden administration is taking radical action to erase your right to live according to the teachings of the Catholic Church – including the proposed federal regulation you just commented to help block.
These new regulations would force Catholic doctors and nurses to participate in abortions, “transgender” surgeries on adults and minors, sterilization operations, and even the gruesome practice of so-called “doctor-assisted suicide.”
Plus, if these regulations become the law of the land, they’ll also cut funding to Catholic hospitals and healthcare clinics…and many companies will use the new rules as an excuse to fire Catholic employees.
We must stop the Biden administration’s war on faithful Catholics.
CatholicVote is one of the leading voices in the country to fight against these regulations. In fact, we expect a significant percentage of all official comments to come from CV supporters like you.
But we must do more. Much more.
By donating to CatholicVote, you can help expose the Biden administration for trying to sneak anti-Catholic regulations into law – and show the American people what’s going on behind closed doors in our government.
Your donation will help fund our campaign to defend the right of all Catholic Americans to live out the truths of our faith in public life.
That includes our media outreach, educational efforts, grassroots petition and regulatory comment drive, and our constant presence in Washington, D.C. to fight on your behalf.
It’s a full-court press to put sustained, public pressure on the Biden administration to back down.
That’s what it takes to win policy battles like this.
And we need your help every step of the way – from taking concrete action yourself to magnifying your impact by donating to help dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of other faithful Catholics get involved, too.
To make a contribution to support our work, please fill out the form below. Thank you again for standing with us! We deeply appreciate your partnership.
Get Brian Burch’s book!

Join the CatholicVote Champions Club with a monthly donation of $10 or more by February 14, and we’ll send you a FREE autographed copy of The American Catholic Daily Reader by CatholicVote president Brian Burch.
Normally sold for $16.00 in bookstores, it’s yours with our thanks for your monthly support.
Most of our impact as an organization is directly thanks to our Champions Club members. Thank you for your support!
Please note: the first edition of Brian’s book was previously published as The American Catholic Almanac.