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Stand Against Woke Corporations that Mock Our Faith!

We all know first-hand: Woke corporations use “Rainbow Marketing” to promote LGBTQ “Pride.” It gets worse every year. 


But we can fight back. We are, and it’s working.


Recently, the LA Dodgers honored the so-called “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” a group of men dressing up in sexually explicit and rainbow-colored “nun” clothing – all designed to mock Catholics. 


But something extraordinary happened: ordinary citizens stopped letting the “Pride” movement threaten and shame them into silence.


Ordinary citizens like you, and hundreds of thousands of others in the CatholicVote family. This year, we fought the LGBT agenda on all fronts, and I honestly believe the results will reverberate for years to come:


  • We confronted the LA Dodgers and Major League Baseball for their planned promotion of the obscene anti-Catholic hate group “The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” at a big game. And guess what? Millions of Americans followed suit, including our bishops. In the end, the sports titan quietly gave the award to the controversial group hours before the game to a near-empty stadium..

  • Through CatholicVote’s “Hide the Pride” campaign, thousands of you removed tens of thousands of filthy LGBT books from the children’s sections of our public libraries – protecting the innocence of our nation’s youngest citizens.

  • We published an exposé about “Outreach,” a Catholic front group that works to help “trans” and gay operatives infiltrate Catholic schools. Our research was alarming and impossible to ignore, alerting diocesan officials nationwide to the danger LGBT ideology poses.


Our political and religious leaders have seen that ordinary Catholics in the pews are 100% on board with the saving truths of our faith.


With your support, we will keep this pressure up.


Won’t you help us in this effort?


The battle is far from over. But this year, we showed our mettle, and we saw unmistakable results. We now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we can win – and are, in fact, winning.


And that means… we must not let up! Donate now to keep up the pressure.


Your gift of $10, $25, $50, $100, or more funds the fight to protect our faith and children.


Please fill out the form below to make your donation.


Thank you for defending the honor of our Lord and our faith in the face of woke “pride” propaganda and disgusting anti-Catholic hatred.

Want to make a bigger impact? 

Join the CatholicVote Champions Club today with a monthly donation of $10 or more!

In thanks for your generosity, you’ll receive special Champions-only perks:


  • Our weekly Champions Insider newsletter

  • Special access to live and digital events

  • Sneak previews of new releases from CatholicVote

  • And special thank-you gifts each year

Whether you make a one-time or monthly donation, thank you for your generous support. 


You are directly responsible for everything we do as an organization, and we are proud to partner with you!


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